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Titan Database Interface(TM) for Btrieve(R) 12.0

Titan Database Interface(TM) for Btrieve(R) 12.0

Titan Database Interface(TM) for Btrieve(R) Publisher's Description


Titan supports building VCL WIN32 applications in this release. This version does not build .net applications.

The Titan Database Interface(tm) is a software developer's tool that provides highly optimized database access components for the Codegear Delphi and C++ Builder development environments.

This release of Titan provides a set of tools that provide high-speed performance when working with Pervasive Software's Pervasive.SQL(r) (Btrieve(r), and Scalable SQL) Engines. Titan maximizes application performance by making native calls to the Pervasive.SQL API's. Before Titan was developed, Btrieve tables could only be accessed with Delphi or C++ Builder through the ODBC interface. Opening Btrieve tables in this configuration was painfully slow, and simply unacceptable for real world applications. Titan eliminates the inefficiencies of ODBC. The Titan interface is highly optimized to talk directly with the Pervasive Software API's, allowing high-speed access to data files. All of the Delphi and C++ Builder data-aware controls are fully functional both at design and run-time so that you can see the data in your tables as you assemble your application. With Titan, you can skip the details of the Btrieve API and focus on the application. Forget about Btrieve position blocks, key buffers, and extended get operations. They are all there, but managed under the careful control of Titan. You can use Btrieve Chunk Operations too! A great benefit of Titan is the developer can now use the wealth of available tools that were developed for the Borland Database Engine. When you combine Titan together with Delphi or C++ Builder, there may be no better, faster way to build Btrieve applications.

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